Historical, Social and Cultural Significance of Film Songs


  • Khaleeq ur Rehman ,
  • Dr.Ambreen Tabassum Shakir Jan




Symphonic orchestras., Talkies film era, Musical, Picturization, Sanima, Play back singer, Culture, Lyrics, Film songs


From the point of view of art, our film songs play a very prominent role in culture, these songs make countless aspects of our society and cultural life their part. Not only the seven colorful aspects of our eastern cultural life. These songs are the focus of thousands of activities related to social relations and social life. Film songs are sung on our every festival and make a place in every ritual, festival and gathering of happiness. Songs with their lyrics and melodies become the true expression of life. There is no moment, occasion or festival in the social life of the Indian sub-continent where film songs do not stand with us as justification. Be it moments of happiness or any hour of sorrow, in every tragedy and every sorrow, songs are our crutches, in these songs the true interpretation of our emotions is shown, thanks to songs, our emotions are never barren, our every feeling is a song. Language is given. Film songs stand with us as a companion, friend, and mourner and become our mourners, benefactors and sympathizers.



How to Cite

Khaleeq ur Rehman , & Dr.Ambreen Tabassum Shakir Jan. (2024). Historical, Social and Cultural Significance of Film Songs. Dareecha-e-Tahqeeq, 5(1), 43–51. https://doi.org/10.58760/dareechaetahqeeq.v5i1.164