A Critical Review Of "Zia ul Mulk Mulla Ramuzi: The Founder Of Gulabi Urdu" By Prof Bashir Ahmed Soz


  • Inayat ur Rehman




Mullah Ramuzi, Gulabi Urdu, translation, social injustice


Mullah Ramuzi is known in Urdu literature as the inventor of Gulabi Urdu. Gulabi Urdu in its own words means to change the order of the words in the sentence. For example, first the verb then the subject and the object, in this way, the style of translation from Arabic to Urdu is created. Of course it is fun, but after a while the reader gets tired. The atrocities of the government, social injustice and social ills force him to write whatever he writes under the guise of humor



How to Cite

Inayat ur Rehman. (2023). A Critical Review Of "Zia ul Mulk Mulla Ramuzi: The Founder Of Gulabi Urdu" By Prof Bashir Ahmed Soz. Dareecha-e-Tahqeeq, 3(3), 262–267. https://doi.org/10.58760/dareechaetahqeeq.v3i3.70